Evidence of Learning
Our curriculum is knowledge-rich, valued and specified and well sequenced, which inspires pupils, promotes excellent outcomes for all and is underpinned by a drive to overcome inequality of opportunity. The outcomes range from written explanations, scientific drawings, annotated timelines, extended writing across all subjects. Below are a range of outcomes from our pupils.
Year 1 History – Discovering History. Pupils learn about the discipline of history, looking at significant historical figures and how we know about history through sources. One of the figures Year 1 study is Mary Seacole, who we know about through her writing. Here is an example from Year 1 explaining who Mary Seacole was.
Year 3 Science – Human Body. In this unit, pupils build on their knowledge from Year 2 about the different organ systems and in particular focus on the key parts of the digestive system and the role of involuntary muscles. Here is an example of a scientific explanation on how food is digested.
Year 6 Science – Human Body. In this unit, pupils build on their knowledge of the circulatory system from year 2 and learn more about the heart, arteries, veins and then investigate how their heart rate is affected depending on what their body is doing. Here is an example of a scientific investigation that shows what the pupils were testing, how they conducted their investigation, their results and what these showed.
Year 2 Geography – Spatial Sense. In this unit, pupils build on their understanding of maps of the classroom to look at their school site. This is an example of the pupils’ starting to draw maps of the school site and refining their maps over the lesson.
Year 4 History – Stone Age to the Iron Age. In this unit, pupils build on the introduction of ‘prehistory’ from Year 1 and covers 10,000 years from the Stone Age to when Romans invaded Britain in 43CE. This is an example of an annotated timeline describing the key events that occurred over the 10,000-year period.
Year 4 RE – Culture and Religion. In this unit, pupils look at the links between culture and religion. It explores culture as a combination 5 five different elements: fashion, flags, food, festivals, and famous faces. This is an example of a knowledge showcase highlighting the learning throughout the unit.
Year 5 Science – Materials. In this unit, builds on pupils’ knowledge of materials and their properties. This is an example of a pupil’s investigation of reversible and irreversible changes. It shows a scientific diagram showing what the pupil has observed over time.
Year 5 French – French exchange program. Our Year 5 pupils are participating in a French-English exchange project with year 8 French pupils from the Cité Scolaire Gaston Fébus in Orthez (Southwest France). They written their first French letters, introducing themselves to their penfriends.
You can see view our statutory assessments here.
It is important to learn about PSHE because we learn about first aid and how to keep ourselves safe. You should talk to trusted adults when you need help.
Year 1
PSHE helps you with your relationships. It teaches you to make the correct decisions. It helps with your relationships. I teaches you to make correct decisions in life.
Year 4
You need Maths in every lesson, maths makes science easier.
Year 4
Phonics helps me in all my lessons as then I can read by myself and try to use more exciting adjectives as I can use my phonics to help me to spell them. I don’t always need to ask the teacher for help.
Year 1
RE is not just about religion, its about philosophy and has helped me think about links.
Year 6
'The best unit I have studied so far is life cycles because it is interesting to discover the cycles and occurrences in nature. We looked at what happens in nature. In year 4, we looked at animals and their natural habitats. This helped me to advance my knowledge and learn about interconnected and symbiotic relationships.
Year 5
I am enjoying RE because of the debates. I have been put on a side I didn’t agree with, but it helps me view different perspectives rather than just seeing my own side.
Year 6
Science is the subject which looks at the universe and tries to understand how it works as best as possible. There are three main branches of science: biology, chemistry and physics. It is fascinating to study about the world we live in.
Year 6
A scientist is someone who studies a certain field of science: the main ones being physics, biology and chemistry. They use observation over time, pattern seeking, grouping and classifying, comparative and fair testing and research using secondary sources to investigate something.
Year 5