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Earl's Court Free School

The Knowledge Schools Trust

We aim to provide children with a classical liberal education, regardless of background or ability.

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Learning and studying a foreign language is a key part of our curriculum. It provides pupils with the opportunity to learn about different cultures, appreciate and celebrate difference and broadens their horizons. Our focus language is French, which is taught from Reception to Year 6.  

In Early Years, pupils learn French through songs and games. As the curriculum builds, pupils develop their French conversational skills and their writing skills. Our French curriculum has a strong focus on vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. Both early years and key stage 1 also have a focus on phonics. Pupils are taught to make links between how words are written in French and how they sound.  

The curriculum is purposeful, coherently planned and sequenced. Alongside, learning the French language, pupils also learn about the country of France, and various aspects of French culture and traditions. Each year we celebrate as a school the French language with a ‘French Day’. Last year, pupils completed different activities linked to their French learning, with key stage 2 pupils experiencing a French-English theatre production. Our year 5 students are participating in a French-English exchange project with year 8 French students from the Cité Scolaire Gaston Fébus in Orthez (Southwest France). They exchange letters each term, providing opportunities for our pupils to develop their written French and the French pupils to develop their English skills.  

Our French lessons are taught by a specialist, native language speaker. 

French Curriculum Map