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Earl's Court Free School

The Knowledge Schools Trust

We aim to provide children with a classical liberal education, regardless of background or ability.

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Online Safety

Online Safety

At Earl's Court Free School Primary, we are aware of the importance of online safety and the increasingly important role it plays in our children’s lives.

HOw we help pupils stay safe online 

We teach about online safety in our weekly Computing lessons. This ranges from asking specific questions about how to be safe online to discussing different scenarios to promote our pupil’s understanding of how to navigate the digital world safely. We also use Project Evolve resources in our phase assemblies to remind pupils about appropriate behaviour online.

Each year, we have online safety workshops for pupils in year 5 and 6 which discuss online behaviour, what to do if they see something that is inappropriate, how to search websites safely and how to be a responsible and respectful digital citizen.

We are committed to teaching the children how to be safe online.

The internet can be a fantastic place for children and young people where they can talk to friends, be creative and have fun. However, this is not always the case. If you or your child are worried or upset about something which has happened on the internet there is help out there.

Click on the icon below to access the National Crime Agency CEOP website. The NCA's CEOP Command (formerly the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas to identify the main threats to children, and coordinates activity against these threats to bring offenders to account. They protect children from harm online and offline, directly through NCA led operations and in partnership with local and international agencies.

Children today have embraced new technologies as a source of information, education and entertainment.  The use of digital technology has been completely normalised by this generation, and it is now fully integrated into their daily lives.

Technology is changing all the time and young people are no longer passive recipients of online information, but are increasingly directly interacting within a digital landscape in a variety of ways.

Children are increasingly referred to as ‘digital natives’: citizens born into a digital world, who grow up surrounded by and emerged in the technology and tools of the digital age. Their confidence and skills in using this technology are typically high, but their knowledge and awareness of the inherent issues, risks and dangers is usually very low.

Children and young people need to be empowered to keep themselves safe – this isn’t just a top down approach. Children will be children – pushing boundaries and taking risks. Teaching your child about technology should be seen as another part of keeping them safe, just like crossing the road or learning to swim.

NSPCC - Share Aware Online Safety

We tell our children to share but online it's different.

In fact, sometimes sharing online can be dangerous.

Talking to your child is the best way to help keep them safe. But with things changing all the time, it can be hard to keep up to date. You can always call our online safety helpline on 0808 8005002 to get advice on anything from the latest social networks to parental controls. 

Or find out what other parents think about the most popular social apps and games, what's the right age, and details on privacy and safety settings with the Net Aware tool.

The internet is a great place for children to be. Being Share Aware makes it safer.




There are some helpful websites which can offer up to date advice.


What is cyberbullying?  kidshealth.org/parent/positive/talk/cyberbullying


Online safety checklist

Online safety for primary school children

Online safety for under 5s

Online safety for teenagers 

Child-net Parent Leaflet